- America is way too rich for its own good. and too many people are spoiled rotten without even realizing it. this includes me.
- Be truly grateful for everything you have, everything you own, everybody around you who cares for you, everybody around you who doesn't care for you.
- Hating somebody means they have won, and you have given up. And it doesn't make you feel any better.
- You can forgive, but you don't ever, ever have to forget. Forgetting only sets you up for deception and manipulation later on down the road.
- You're allowed to switch your major, even after 3 years of college.
- When you're in your 20's, don't ever tell people where you are going to be one year from now. Chances are you'll be wrong.
- If you truly love somebody, let them know. Even if it will cause a ruckus, you're worth telling them, and chances are, they're worth hearing about it.
- Cars can almost always get fixed within a couple days if something goes wrong. Human bodies take a lot longer to heal.
- Only two types of kids go to private universities: ultra-rich ones and ultra-poor ones.
- No matter how bad you think matters are, they can always get worse. And, these matters all usually work out in the end, and everyone ends up being okay, even if they are just "okay" (the true meaning of the word).
And, last, but not least:
- God has a crazy sense of humor. and He really, really likes to let me know constantly that i am anything but in control of my own life. And that's a-OK with me- it causes pain sometimes, but it also creates much joy.