People who claim they are vegan but are, in all actuality, not, really bother me. And I’m not even vegan. I’m not even a full-fledged vegetarian. (Chicken is my only weakness.)
I’ve only met a few people who fit the above description, but on these particular occasions, I’ve looked at them sort of googly-eyed and then gawked in a broken-jaw-giraffe sort of manner. I’m not sure if I should be one to be preaching, but I am pretty sure that real vegans take their diets pretty seriously and put a lot of thought into what they eat, and don’t appreciate self-proclaimed vegans taking the cheese off of their pizza before they eat it and inhaling M&Ms.
Oh, and please don’t call yourself vegan if you haven’t had dairy or meat in like, a week. It’s something one practices in their daily life, for years. Yes, this should be the new vegan/vegetarian rule: don’t call yourself any of those things unless you’ve been practicing it for 1 year. Maaaybe I’ll let that slide and if you really seem dedicated I’ll let you call yourself vegan after 6 months. Maybe.
Yours truly,
The non-Vegan Vegan-Moderator
vegans are good people. everyone should be vegan.
i think it takes a really unique, special kind of person to be vegan- lots of discipline. that's why i get so annoyed when people throw the term around loosely.
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